Explore our advanced environmental systems and solutions provided by our expert team and affiliated companies, designed for precise weather monitoring, forecasting, and disaster management.

Antennas for Communications
Antennas for Communications (AFC) manufactures, markets, and sells worldwide satellite dish antennas, conical horn antennas, radomes, antenna feeds, microwave and waveguide components, and ultra-low transmission loss waveguide called Tallguide ®. Our customers serve the satellite, broadcast, communications, radar, weather and cable industry, defense, government, and government agencies. AFC has been in the radome business since 1972 and offers a series of rigid, free-standing ‘spherical’ and ‘faceted geodesic’ radome designs in sizes ranging from 3.0 ft to 110 ft in diameter. The radomes are being utilized in support of a wide variety of Government, Military, Weather, and Commercial systems using dielectric and impedance-matching technology to achieve superior structural and RF performance.
For detailed radome technical information, visit the radome network home page at

Total Lightning Detection Solutions
For more than 20 years, Earth Networks (EN) has operated the world’s largest and most comprehensive weather observation, lightning detection, and climate networks. The Earth Networks Total Lightning Network ™ is the first in-cloud lightning and cloud-to-ground detection network deployed on a global basis. In-cloud lightning serves as an early indicator of extreme weather. EN’s unique lightning detection technology provides advanced severe weather prediction and alerting for cloud-to-ground (CG) lightning strikes, tornadoes, cyclones, heavy rainfall, monsoons, downburst winds, and wind shear. Our observations inform and alert consumers, enterprises, and governments around the world, providing them with advanced environmental intelligence for decision-making and safety.

Weather Radar and Surface Weather Systems
With a tight focus on high quality, Enterprise Electronics Corporation (EEC) continues to deliver technologically superior meteorological radar systems both in the US and abroad. As a result, the forecasting future for EEC worldwide customers is bright! The entire EEC product line leads the industry in PERFORMANCE with innovation as the standard ingredient in every EEC weather radar. Recent innovations include patented simultaneous dual polarization designs, ultra-high definition signal processing, and displays that provide true insight into storm and weather event structure and behavior. EEC provides the best clutter rejection in the business and a completely updated software system with more useful products, making life much easier for meteorologists and hydrologists.

Radiosondes and Upper Air Sounding Systems
InterMet is one of the world’s leading suppliers of radiosondes and atmospheric sensors. Our products are used in over 50 countries to monitor the earth’s climate and provide a better understanding of the forces affecting the atmosphere.
InterMet radiosondes are used by national weather services to prepare accurate weather forecasts. Universities and research institutions trust InterMet radiosondes and WxUAS sensors to study convective storms and global climate change. Radiosondes are used by Military customers for enhanced artillery fire-control and by Space Services companies for precision rocket launches and recoveries.
Our UAV sensors are leading the way in using the latest drone technologies to study the atmospheric and marine boundary layers, hurricanes and other convective storms. InterMet’s new iMet-X4 expands our reach into gas and pollution measurements. The CopterSonde 3 combines the efficiency of UAS-based observations with proven weather sensor technology; resulting in a turn-key system that provides complete boundary layer vertical profiles designed to complement radiosonde observations.
We offer the highest level of customer service in the industry, including fast order turnaround and attention to special requirements when off-the-shelf equipment just won’t do. InterMet products are available through the GSA to qualified U.S. Government purchasers (Contract GS-07F-0235Y).

Complex solutions for weather and environment
MicroStep-MIS company has been operating in the area of environmental monitoring since 1993. For the past 30 years, we have established ourselves as an accepted and respected worldwide player in the field.
Our aim is to do our business with high ethical standards, distinguished respect for our partners’ needs, and within the framework of our core values. We believe in the power of constant development, ongoing research, and steady innovation. The final outcome is effective and timely weather-related decision-making by our clients, which is based on reliable and timely data provided by our monitoring systems.
The satisfaction of our clients is our top priority; therefore, we strive to continuously invest in the improvement of our products and services based on the client’s needs and desires. We believe that our own success goes hand in hand with facilitating our clients to achieve their visions, and we are very proud to be part of those meaningful mutual projects around the globe.

Profiling Radiometers
Radiometrics Corporation designs, develops, and manufactures microwave radiometers for atmospheric remote sensing. The Radiometrics MP-3000A Microwave Profiler is a rugged hyper-spectral radiometer that delivers continuous temperature, humidity, and liquid profiles that are essential for accurate high-impact local weather forecasting. Using proprietary technology to ensure optimum performance in a highly portable package, the radiometer design has been proven during millions of hours of worldwide operations. Patented frequency agility, state-of-the-art component technology, modular design, and proprietary Rain Effect Mitigation ensure optimum, cost-effective operations at any location in nearly all weather conditions. The MP-3000A is free from electromagnetic or acoustic emissions and operates reliably during high winds and precipitation. It is the instrument of choice wherever continuous upper-air thermodynamic soundings are needed for accurate high-impact local weather and dispersion forecasting.

Architecting and Implementing Meteorological Decision Support Systems
Weather Decision Support Systems International (WDSS) has significant experience delivering meteorological technologies to international weather service and airport agencies. The mission of WDSS is to provide state-of-the-science severe/hazardous weather detection and prediction tools, meteorological displays, and numerical modeling solutions to enhance the abilities of operational forecasters to meet their core missions of saving lives and minimizing property damages and economic losses.